2023 WV Women’s Retreat Evaluation

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* 1. Speaker presentations

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* 2. What prompted you to give this rating?

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* 3. Program Content

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* 4. What prompted you to give this rating?

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* 5. Interest Groups

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* 6. Cedar Lakes Facility

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* 7. Cabinet Leadership

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* 8. Overall Retreat

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* 9. Did you enjoy the eating meals in Assembly Hall?

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* 10. Do you like having the choice of Continental Breakfast?

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* 11. Was sufficient time given to the speaker?

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* 12. What do you think is the appropriate amount of time to give to a speaker each session?

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* 13. Did you like having a table to sit at?

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* 14. Should we continue interest groups?

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* 15. Did you enjoy the amount of interest groups offered?

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* 16. Did you like the variety of times  of interest groups offered?

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* 17. Is there an interest group you would like offered at retreat?

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* 18. What were your feelings and thoughts as you came to the retreat?

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* 19. What were your feelings and thoughts when you left the retreat?

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* 20. What about the retreat prompted any different feelings and thoughts from when you came and when you left?

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* 21. List 3 ways you experienced God during the retreat:

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* 22. List 2-3 things that gave you the most joy at retreat and were life giving to you:

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* 23. Do you have any suggestions for speaker topics?

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* 24. Do you have any suggestions for speakers?

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* 25. Do you have a service project suggestion for 2024?

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* 26. What other comments would you like to add about the retreat?

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* 27. Would you like to volunteer your talents for future events or for a leadership role within the WV Women’s Cabinet?  If so, in what capacity? (Don’t forget to include your name if interested) 

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* 28. Do you suggest someone to be in  a leadership role within the WV Women’s Cabinet?  If so, in what capacity? (Please include their name and contact information.)

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* 29. Name (if you would like to give it, if not you may choose to submit your survey anonymously. )