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As a follow up to  the 4th Principles of Sustainable Insurance (PSI) Africa Market Event hosted by ICEA LION and UNEP FI on 07th of May 2021, we are conducting this survey to gather views from the insurance industry and its stakeholders on how sustainable finance can increase resilience for long-term economic sustainability in Africa.

We request your input to fill in the survey and request if you could also share broadly among your insurance colleagues. The survey should take 7-10 minutes to complete and there is the option at the end to keep your responses anonymous if you wish. This survey will be coupled with interviews to supplement the responses. 

You are required to complete the survey by 10th July, 2021

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* Which best describes your organization? (Pick One)

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* Which best describes your role? (Pick One)

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* In which markets do you operate? (Check all that apply)

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* Do you want to receive the results of the survey? If yes, please provide your email address. If No type N/A.

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