The 2017 World Teachers’ Day (5 October) will mark the 20th anniversary of the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Training Personnel. To celebrate this landmark anniversary and in keeping with this year’s theme, “Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers”, we want to hear from you about the progress made and challenges still facing teaching personnel in higher education. This short survey aims to help us learn more about these issues and spark a conversation around how to empower teachers. We will feature highlights from the survey on social media, so please follow us on Twitter at @UNESCO_AsiaPac and Facebook at

If you have any questions about the survey, please email: Educational Innovation and Skills Development, UNESCO Bangkok: Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What are the top three challenges facing higher education teaching personnel?

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* 2. Please explain why you choose those as challenges:

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* 3. Are there any reforms in higher education in your country that are in line with the 1997 Recommendation?
"The 1997 Recommendation establishes international standards for the teaching profession in higher education, which covers key areas such as professionalism, academic freedom, security of employment, appraisal, and institutional autonomy and accountability."
Learn more:

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* 4. If yes, please describe the specific reforms that reflect the recommendation.

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* 5. Please describe some of the outcomes of the reforms and major lessons learned (e.g., facilitators, barriers).

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* 6. How can we empower teachers to deliver quality higher education?

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* 8. Position

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* 9. Gender

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* 10. In case we would like to contact you with follow-up questions, please provide your contact details.
NOTE: This is not a requirement and the information shared will not be made public.