PFSS Workshop Survey Your Feedback is Critical for Me and this Workshop!By thoughtfully answering these questions, learning professionals like you will benefit!All responses are private and confidential. Question Title * 1. Which workshop did you attend? I did NOT attend a workshop. I'm just looking. Minnesota ISPI Hampton Roads ISPI Bloomberg CDC Oxfam Genentech NPS Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What were you hoping to accomplish by taking the Performance-Focused Smile Sheet workshop? Choose ONE OR MORE answers! I wanted to LEARN SOMETHING NEW. I wanted to LEARN FROM Will Thalheimer. I wanted to be able to CREATE MORE EFFECTIVE SMILE SHEETS. I wanted to REALITY-CHECK my (or my organization’s) CURRENT PRACTICES. I was ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND by one or more people. More Thoughts? Question Title * 3. Describe the value of the workshop. Choose ONE OR MORE answers! It was NOT VALUABLE because the proposed smile-sheet APPROACH is NOT BENEFICIAL. It was NOT VALUABLE because I ALREADY KNEW THE CONCEPTS. It was ONLY SOMEWHAT VALUABLE because I'd ALREADY READ THE BOOK. It helped me GAIN INSIGHT into IMPORTANT LEARNING-MEASUREMENT CONCEPTS. It enabled me to WRITE BETTER SMILE-SHEET QUESTIONS. It GAVE ME HOPE that SMILE SHEETS can PRODUCE MEANINGFUL DATA. It COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED the WAY I THINK about SMILE SHEETS. More thoughts? Question Title * 4. How READY are you TO WRITE QUESTIONS for a Performance-Focused Smile Sheet? Choose ONE OR MORE answers! I’m STILL NOT SURE WHERE TO BEGIN. I KNOW ENOUGH TO GET STARTED. I CAN TELL A GOOD QUESTION FROM A BAD ONE. I CAN WRITE MY OWN QUESTIONS, but I’d LIKE to get SOME FEEDBACK before using them. I CAN WRITE MY OWN QUESTIONS, and I’m CONFIDENT they will be reasonably WELL DESIGNED. More thoughts? Question Title * 5. HOW MOTIVATED are you TO IMPLEMENT PERFORMANCE-FOCUSED SMILE SHEETS in your organization? Choose One! I’m NOT INTERESTED IN WORKING TOWARD IMPLEMENTING this. I will confer with my colleagues to SEE IF THERE IS INTEREST. I WILL ADVOCATE FOR performance-focused smile sheet questions. I WILL VIGOROUSLY CHAMPION performance-focused smile sheet questions. Because I HAVE AUTHORITY, I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN. More thoughts? Question Title * 6. What will be your biggest obstacle in implementing this new type of question in your organization? Question Title * 7. Good learning experiences provide more than just information—they engage us in meaningful activities. How would you describe the activities used in a substantial way in the training you just participated in? PICK UP TO THREE—those that most potently went beyond information presentation! We were exposed to UNIQUELY VALUABLE ideas about learning evaluation. We engaged in SUBSTANTIVE DISCUSSIONS that helped me learn. We practiced MAKING DECISIONS relevant to learning evaluation. We practiced WORKING ON TASKS relevant to learning evaluation. We engaged in NON-RELEVANT ACTIVITES not directly related to learning evaluation. We engaged in OTHER RELEVANT ACTIVITIES – PLEASE SPECIFY BELOW... In your own words, what activities in the full workshop gave you the most helpful practice? Question Title * 8. After the course, when you begin to apply your new knowledge at your worksite, which of the following supports are likely to be in place for you? Select as MANY ITEMS AS ARE TRUE! I will be ENCOURAGED BY MY SUPERVISOR to develop a new smile-sheet approach. I will be WORKING WITH A TEAM to develop a new smile-sheet approach. I will have a coworker available TO COACH OR MENTOR ME. I will have easy ACCESS TO FELLOW LEARNERS to contact for guidance and support. I will utilize THE BOOK, Performance-Focused Smile Sheets. I WILL REVIEW my notes and/or materials from the workshop. I will KEEP IN TOUCH with Will Thalheimer for guidance, support, and feedback. I will be PERIODICALLY REMINDED of the workshops learning concepts/skills. I will NOT get much direct support from my workplace, but WILL RELY ON MY OWN INITIATIVE. Question Title * 9. Which aspects of this workshop helped you the most in learning the concepts and in developing skills? Question Title * 10. What could have been done better to make this a more potent learning experience? Your Written Feedback is Crucial Here! Question Title * 11. Provide Feedback on THIS SMILE SHEET (NOT THE WORKSHOP)! One GOOD thing about the design of this smile sheet: Question Title * 12. Provide Feedback on THIS SMILE SHEET (NOT THE WORKSHOP)! One thing TO IMPROVE on this smile sheet: Question Title * 13. Anything else you'd like to add? Done