Welcome to the 2016 Mega Conference Attendee Survey

We would like to first thank your support for making the 2016 Mega Conference such a great success.  

If you could take a minute to respond to the following questions it will be greatly appreciated.
General Information

Question Title

* 1. Did you participate in this Conference as a:

Question Title

* 2. What is your industry role: (Please check only one box below)

Question Title

* 3. What influenced you to attend the Mega-Conference?

Question Title

* 4. How would you like to learn about future conferences? (Please check only one box below)

Question Title

* 8. Was the length of the presentations adequate? (Please check only one box below)

In Conclusion

Question Title

* 16. Was there anything you especially LIKED about the Mega-Conference?

Question Title

* 17. Was there anything you especially DID NOT LIKE about the Mega-Conference?

Question Title

* 18. Please include any additional comments you may have that were not previously addressed.

Thank you for participating in the 2016 Mega Conference Attendee Survey. Your feedback is very important to us and we appreciate your help and feedback.

For more information please contact NOWRA at (800) 966-2942, or visit www.nowra.org.