Mesa Neighborhood Survey

The Warm Springs Mesa Neighborhood Association’s charter is to maintain and support a positive lifestyle for the residents of the Mesa. Please complete this brief survey to assist us in our ongoing efforts to address this charter. We are looking specifically at Warm Springs Mesa residents’ ongoing use of Starview Drive (Starview is the road that is the farthest east/south). 

This survey is important to represent our neighbors in conversations with M3, the developer of the new Boulder Point subdivision. They have requirements in their development agreement with the City of Boise to provide upgrades to Starview Drive.

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* 1. How many times do you drive round-trip (1 round trip is a departure and return to home) on Starview Drive per week?

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* 2. How many times do you ride a bike round-trip (1 round trip is a departure and return to home) on Starview Drive per week?

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* 3. How many times do you walk/run round-trip (1 round trip is a departure and return to home) on Starview Drive per week?

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* 4. The Development Agreement (Contract between the M3 Developer and the City of Boise) requires constructing a wider roadway, a bike lane, and a sidewalk along Starview Drive.

How would reducing or eliminating portions of the stated requirements in the Development Agreement impact you?

Reduction/elimination of road widening would negatively impact my family.

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* 5. Reduction/elimination of a bike lane would negatively impact my family.

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* 6. Reduction/elimination of a sidewalk would negatively impact my family.

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* 7. Please rank the proposed improvements on Starview Drive 1-5, using each number once, with 1 being the most important to your household and 5 being the least important to your household.

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* 8. Please let us know your opinion related to trails surrounding the Mesa:

·       Is trail access important to you as a value-added community asset?

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* 9. Please let us know your opinion related to trails surrounding the Mesa:

·       How do/would you use the trail system around the Mesa?

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* 10. The Neighborhood Association strives to keep the Mesa up to date on pertinent information in a timely manner. We will not distribute your information and will use it sparingly in keeping you informed and up-to-date.

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* 11. For further information about the Warm Springs Mesa Neighborhood Association, please go to our website: There you can use "Contact Us" to communicate with Board members.