One Design Classes and Sailors US Sailing One Design Community Survey Question Title * 1. Address Name City/Town State/Province Email Address Question Title * 2. Your gender Male Female Choose not to answer Question Title * 3. Are you a member of US Sailing? I am a new member, less than one year Member for 1-4 years Member for 5+ years My membership is expired I have never been a member Question Title * 4. What One Design class(es) do you belong to? 1. I belong/participate in the following class: 2. I belong/participate in the following class: 3. I belong/participate in the following class: 4. I belong/participate in the following class: Question Title * 5. What is your affiliation/role in each class you entered in question 4? Please match class listed in question 4, answer 1 to the answer 1 in this question, and so forth. Secretary/Officer of Class Class Member Owner/Driver Owner/Crew Non-Owner/Driver Non-Owner/Crew Parent of a youth sailor 1. Class 1. Class Secretary/Officer of Class 1. Class Class Member 1. Class Owner/Driver 1. Class Owner/Crew 1. Class Non-Owner/Driver 1. Class Non-Owner/Crew 1. Class Parent of a youth sailor 2. Class 2. Class Secretary/Officer of Class 2. Class Class Member 2. Class Owner/Driver 2. Class Owner/Crew 2. Class Non-Owner/Driver 2. Class Non-Owner/Crew 2. Class Parent of a youth sailor 3. Class 3. Class Secretary/Officer of Class 3. Class Class Member 3. Class Owner/Driver 3. Class Owner/Crew 3. Class Non-Owner/Driver 3. Class Non-Owner/Crew 3. Class Parent of a youth sailor 4. Class 4. Class Secretary/Officer of Class 4. Class Class Member 4. Class Owner/Driver 4. Class Owner/Crew 4. Class Non-Owner/Driver 4. Class Non-Owner/Crew 4. Class Parent of a youth sailor Question Title * 6. The value I receive from US Sailing as a One Design sailor is: Excellent Great Good Poor N/A Excellent Great Good Poor N/A Please comment: Question Title * 7. US Sailing's support of my One Design class has been: Excellent Great Good Poor N/A Excellent Great Good Poor N/A Please comment: Question Title * 8. Based on your experience, what has US Sailing done well for One Design sailors? Question Title * 9. Based on your experience, where can US Sailing add more value for One Design sailors? Question Title * 10. What are the top three things you would like to see US Sailing do for One Design sailors? 1 2 3 Question Title * 11. Have you ever attended a US Sailing One Design Symposium? (This is where One Design sailors meet, hear presentations, and share best practices and ideas for One Design sailing.) Yes No Question Title * 12. If you answered 'yes' to question 11, was it helpful? Yes No Please comment: Question Title * 13. Would you be interested in US Sailing bringing back the One Design Symposium? Yes No Question Title * 14. If you answered 'yes' to question 13, what would be the frequency you would like to see it offered? Nationally, every other year Regionally, every other year As a part of The Sailing Leadership Forum (The Sailing Leadership Forum is a biannual event where leaders in the sport of sailing collaborate together, extra day to the forum) As an add-on to the Sailing Leadership Forum Please comment: Question Title * 15. Would you like to make a difference in One Design sailing by volunteering for either/both of the following? Yes No One Design Committee One Design Committee Yes One Design Committee No Working Party (small projects) Working Party (small projects) Yes Working Party (small projects) No Question Title * 16. If yes, please let us know the best way to contact you Office Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email: If you would like to further express your comments/ideas, please email: If you would like to update/add your current One Design Class information to our database, please fill out this online form. Thank you for participating. Done