We are introducing The Ashland Chronicle Poll.  It’s an informal collection of data about the views of Ashlanders on various topics, beginning today with questions on city budget policies.  Your responses will be forwarded to city government policy makers. Look for future opportunities to share your opinions.  
This poll is open to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Ashland, Oregon.
The Ashland Chronicle Editors

Question Title

* 1. City employees pay nothing into their retirement program, with the city picking up both the employer and employee contributions of six percent of salary costs. Should city employees pick up the employee share of their pension rather than raising taxes and/or fees in order to maintain that benefit?

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* 2. City employees pay 10% for health insurance, which is one component of the $10 million 2021-23  health benefits program. Should the percentage be raised rather than raising taxes and/or fees in order to maintain that benefit?

Question Title

* 3. Do you think the City of Ashland should do everything it can to eliminate waste and increase efficiency in government operations and to adjust employee compensation before raising taxes and/or fees?”

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* 4. Would you approve the city council outsourcing the Ashland fire department to a district fire department in order to cut expenses?

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* 5. Would you approve the city council regionalizing the Ashland police department to Talent in order to cut expenses?

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* 6. Would you approve the city council putting  a change to the City Charter on the ballot so that parks becomes a department subject to the budget oversight that other departments undergo and eliminating the competition between APR and other departments, and putting it under the control of the City Manager, like all other departments?

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* 7. Do you want parks and recreation programs to be supported more significantly by user fees?

Question Title

* 8. Should the city council allocate approximately $400,000/year of the bed tax (Transient Occupancy Tax) to non-profits and/or businesses that encourage tourism in and to Ashland rather than the chamber of commerce?

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* 9. Please indicate your residence status