Colorado Section

Question Title

* 1. We are starting a new webinar series focused on professional development. We want your ideas. Please tell rate the topics below. Please use 1 to rate your favorite topic, 2 to rate your second choice topic, etc. We would love to hear your ideas as well.

Question Title

* 2. In addition to the above choices, please share your ideas for a valuable professional development webinar from the Colorado Section. Please feel free to share any suggestions regarding topics, formats, locations, speakers, duration, or any other event component that is important to you.

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* 3. As we prepare to plan and offer valuable programming, we want to include ACerS members in programs and activities according to their interests, skills, and availability.  Would you be willing to assist with the Colorado Section as an occasional volunteer, an active volunteer, or perhaps in a leadership position?

Question Title

* 4. If you would like to be entered into our drawing for a $100 Visa gift card or would like to become more active with the Colorado Section, please provide your name and email address.