Registration details

Question Title

* 1. By checking this box, I indicate that by registering to attend the WNSWPHN ECHO sessions, that I also consent to my personal information being stored, and my image being recorded for the purposes of recording attendance and quality improvement.

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* 2.
Registration Details

Only registrations from people living or working within Western NSW Primary Health Network region are accepted for this event.

If you are registering to attend a session at short notice (i.e., after 3pm the day of the session), please call 0437 450 592 to ensure your registration is processed before the session commences. Registrations after 6.00pm on the day of a session will be unable to be accepted.

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* 4. For GPs/GP Registrars Only - Enter your RACGP member number:

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* 5. Please tick the ECHO Network session(s) you plan to attend:

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* 6.
ECHO relies on participants being willing to share a case with the panel and other participants. We welcome cases that involve common clinical scenarios related to diagnosis and care as well as difficult, complex, or challenging presentations. If you are interested in presenting a case, please select your preferred date/dates to present. The ECHO coordinator will contact you to confirm your presentation date.

Click here to access the Case Presentation online form - a new window will open

Thank you for supporting this Western NSW Primary Health Network CPD initiative!

If you have any queries please contact us

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