FSC US FM Standard Revision - Consultative Forum The consultative forum is for any stakeholder that wishes to receive periodic updates about the standard revision process and contribute to the development of the standard. Fill out the form below to join the consultative forum. OK Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name Email Address Company Job Title OK Question Title * 2. What is your connection to FSC? Certificate Holder FSC Member Certification Body FSC Staff Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. If you are an FSC Member, please indicate which chamber to which you belong. If you are not a member, please indicate to which you most closely identify. Economic - individuals, companies, and organizations who principally have a commercial interest in forest management Environmental - individuals and non-profit organizations who are principally interested in the protection, preservation and conservation or the natural environment Social - individuals and non-profit organizations who are principally interested in socially beneficial forestry N/A OK DONE