Seeking Your Feedback

As you might recall, the 2018-19 school year holds many exciting possibilities as we shift to a straight feeder pattern for all students. Elementary schools will no longer be split between middle schools, separating friends and neighbors. Middle schools will not be divided as to which high school their students will attend. NKC Schools will use two 6th grade centers to ease the transition between elementary and middle school, and all students will enjoy greater connection with their high school from an early age.

In adding a new elementary site, transitioning to 6th grade centers, and ensuring that all students arrive safely to and from school, more will be required of our award-winning Transportation Department than ever before. As they consider possible bell schedules, several constraints have been identified. Travel time between sites, adequate time to load and unload children, and the number of buses and drivers for these tasks are considerations. In addition, which level begins and ends early or late has some flexibility. We want to gather your input as we build the best plan for the students we serve.

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* 1. Which group do you believe should start earliest?

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* 2. Which group do you believe should start latest?

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* 3. What do you believe to be most important as we consider developing a new schedule?

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* 4. What other comments would you like to make?

Thank you for your input regarding school start and end times. We plan to process all feedback from parents, community, students, teachers, principals, and the district leadership team. Working in cooperation with our Collaborative Team for Teacher Negotiations, NKC Schools will use this information in making the best decision for students.