In an effort to continue assisting school administrative units (SAUs) in their PEPG development the Maine Department of Education is proud to offer  mini-booster grants of $1,500.00 for the purpose on continual development and implementation of their PEPG systems. The grants will be available to all Maine Districts that operate a school.
As part of the implementation of Maine DOE Rule Chapter 180 SAUs are required to implement their evaluation systems for teachers and principals. The Maine DOE recognizes the hard work and effort each SAU has put forth for this implementation.
The booster mini-grants are a calculated effort to give SAUs further support in adjusting their plans to meet their individual needs and improve the quality of the exsisting PEPG system.
Grant money can be used for all aspects of PEPG development and sustainability including professional development in the areas of:

* The district's professional practice model
* Student learning and growth measures (SLOs)
* Effectiveness Ratings
* Implementation Procedures
* Professional Growth
The Maine Department of Education encourages all eligible SAUs to take full advantage of these funds in order to further support staff in their PEPG development. The Maine DOE also encourages SAUs to continue to collaborate whenever possible with other districts when considering the use of these funds. in order to maximize the allocated resources.
All funds must be spent by August 30, 2017. SAUs are required to provide a fiscal report after spending to Educator Effectiveness Coordinator.
***Note: Completion of this application by October 31, 2016 and submittal of prior PEPG development grant spending are both required in order to be rewarded this mini-grant.
If you have any further questions contact Charles Lomonte, Educator Effectiveness Coordinator at
Thank you for your continual effort and commitment to improving educator effectiveness in our Maine schools.

Question Title

* 1. Name of SAU

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* 2. Name of person completing form

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* 3. Role of Person Completing Form

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* 4. Email of person completing form

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* 5. The Maine Department of Education has identified five possible areas for use of funds. The district may use these funds in one or more of these areas. Please check all areas in which the district plans to use the funds.

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* 6. Please list any SAUs (if any) you intend to partner with when using these funds: 

Thank you. You have completed the application process. A letter will be emailed to you regarding your approval status. Please note no grants will be awarded until after the deadline. If you have any questions just email: