COVID19 Impact Questionnaire

REDF is interested in understanding how the current COVID19 pandemic is impacting our social enterprise partners. Like you, we’ve never experienced a situation like this so we’re trying to determine how we might support you, and the individuals you employ that are most at-risk, as you navigate this incredibly challenging situation.  We also understand how busy you are so would appreciate just a few minutes of your time to offer input.  (There are a total of 7 questions but you can select which you would like to answer - they are all optional.) 

This survey is REDF’s first attempt to understand what you are facing. Some questions are intentionally broad. We may follow-up with requests for additional information as the situation evolves.

What Will REDF Do With This Information?
  • First, and foremost, your input will guide REDF’s response. REDF is developing a plan to help social enterprises adapt and manage during this interruption to normal business.  The information you provide will help us understand the timing, nature and severity of the challenges you face.
  • Second, there is a chance that information provided may be used anonymously as REDF communicates with donors, funding partners, and other stakeholders about the urgency of the situation faced by employment social enterprises.  (If you would rather your input not be shared in any forum even anonymously you can indicate that below.)
1.Which are the 3 most acute challenges you expect to face in the next 90 days? (Or are already experiencing?)
2.Can you provide some detail about the item(s) you selected in Q1 above?
3.Which of the following mitigations have you implemented already OR are currently planning? (check all that apply)
4.Please use this space to tell us more about how current events are impacting your beneficiaries/ employees.
5.What are you hearing from your beneficiaries/employees directly about what is impacting them and what they are most concerned about?
6.Are there useful resources you have found that could be helpful to others in our social enterprise community?
7.Is there a specific type of assistance that would be most useful to you right now? (e.g. information about government crisis response, technical assistance, grant or loan funds, access to peers, etc.)
8.In certain cases, we may use some pieces of information gathered through this survey anonymously to inform other funders or stakeholders about what we are hearing from social enterprises. If you’d rather we not use anything you’ve shared here even anonymously, please initial here.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered