A Case Study of Preschool Directors’ Best Practices for Teacher Retention

by Melanie Smith


My name is Melanie Smith, and I am working on a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at the University of Phoenix. I am doing a case study entitled: A Case Study of Preschool Directors’ Best Practices for Teacher Retention. Preschool teachers are an essential part of the young child’s preschool experience.  The problem is preschool teachers are leaving the profession at a 70% turnover rate.  The purpose of this case study is to discover preschool teachers’ opinions about the preschool directors’ best practices for teacher turnover.   

This research uses a triangulation of the case study report from preschool directors, the preschool teacher interviews, and a correlation to transformational leadership skills. After the director interviews, preschool teachers will review the case study report.  Preschool teachers will be interviewed and asked three questions about the case report.  The questions are about the directors’ ideas on teacher recognition, teacher training in the classroom, and teacher social support.  Preschool teacher interviews may explore their opinions about teaching preschool education.

The interview is limited to the participant’s professional personal skills and has no relation to their job.  The expected duration of time will be approximately 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the length of the participant responses.  Once accepting to participate you will receive an email with an introduction that includes a preschool teacher handbook with a brief description of the interview process. 

Each participant will have a chance to ask any questions about the study to make an informed consent to start participating.  Before beginning the interview, I am available to fully explain the nature of the research study and answer all the participant’s questions and concerns.   Each participant must sign a consent form before conducting the interviews.  You may decide not to be part of this study, you may want to withdraw from this study at any time, and you can do so without any problems.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Melanie Smith (researcher)
(858) 229-2802

Question Title

* 1. Are you a preschool teacher?

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* 2. Would you like to become a participant?

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* 3. Are you willing to phone interview?

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* 4. What is your name?

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* 5. What are your personal email and phone number?