10 questions to help us improve!

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* 1. How are you typically involved in the Subaru BPMR?

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* 2. Overall, were you happy with the racecourse ROUTE this year?

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* 3. Overall, were you happy with the VALUE FOR MONEY of the race experience you had?

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* 4. How are YOU referring to the 100km discipline at BPMR when you talk about it?

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* 5. If you had to choose between an earlier morning race in a remote wilderness location OR a late-morning race in a less remote setting, which would you prefer?

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* 6. If you had to choose between a course where your bike is moved by organizers to a remote TA in order to reach more trail riding, or a course where you handle your own bike transport & race on country roads to get there, which would you prefer?

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* 7. If you had to choose between paying more for a more exciting race experience OR paying a bit less for a simpler event, which would you prefer?

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* 8. Overall, what are we doing that's better than most endurance events?

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* 9. Which things could we be doing better? (check all that apply)

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* 10. We want to continually improve the race.  Please provide us with any other feedback you may have, in the 2 questions above, or in this short (free) surveymonkey question :)