Strategic Plan Survey

The purpose of this survey is to find out how you feel about Water Polo Canada's current Strategic Plan and to help guide the development of the next plan for the future of the sport in Canada. Your honesty and thoughtful responses when answering this survey are appreciated. This survey is voluntary and your responses will be anonymous and confidential. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. You are asked not to disclose any names of people when completing this survey.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey as your input is valued and your thoughts will help create the new strategic plan for Water Polo Canada going forward.

Question Title

* 1. Please check your age bracket (Age category)

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* 2. How would you describe your gender?

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* 3. What role best describes how you currently participate in water polo?

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* 4. What is your current primary level of involvement with the sport of water polo in Canada?

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* 5. How long have you been involved in water polo?

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* 6. Rank in order, the top three reasons you participate in water polo?

  1 2 3
Having fun
Being part of a team
Meeting personal goals
Socializing / making friends
Exercising / being active
Playing in tournaments
Traveling to new places
Helping my child develop
Giving back to the sport
Earn money (Coach, Official)
Build my resume
Try something new / learn new skills
Enjoy volunteering

Question Title

* 7. Are you able to follow the sport of water polo through the information provided by Water Polo Canada? (Website, Social Media, Direct information etc.)

How is Water Polo Canada doing?
This section of questions asks your thoughts and ideas about the current strategic plan for Water Polo Canada involving its vision, mission, values and goals.

The description of each are below: 

Vision: We constantly strive to be leaders in High Performance, Growth of Water Polo and Organizational Excellence.

Mission: We create and offer a sport system that allows our people to achieve their goals and dreams. To drive this mission and advance water polo in Canada, we: Lead with passion and professionalism, govern in a transparent and eithical manner, grow participation, retention and enthusiasm and strengthen our programs, services and people.

Fundamental Values:
Integrity & Respect, Teamwork & Solidarity, Leadership & Accountability, and Excellence & Professionalism. 

1. Strengthen our Organizations           
                 2. Grow Participation in Water Polo 
                 3. Reach International Excellence

Question Title

* 8. Please rank how you feel Water Polo Canada is doing in meeting each section of the strategic plan.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
Striving for the VISION
Following the MISSION
Implement VALUES
Achieving GOALS

Question Title

* 9. Please rank how you feel Water Polo Canada is doing in working towards our first goal "Strengthening our Organizations"

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree NA/Don't know
Attaining financial stability and sponsorship
Attracting and retaining staff and volunteers
Implementing best practices for good governance
Adopting a business culture to promote the water polo brand
Collaborating on projects with other water polo organizations in Canada

Question Title

* 10. Please rank how you feel Water Polo Canada is doing in working towards our second goal of "Growing Participation in Water Polo".

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree NA/Don't know
Raising awareness of the sport
Lobbying for new facilities
Supporting the development of programs for all stages of water polo athletes across Canada
Ensuring there are enough certified coaches and officials for ongoing viability of the sport in Canada

Question Title

* 11. Please rank how you feel Water Polo Canada is doing in working towards our third goal "Reaching International Excellence".

  Strongly agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree NA/Don't know
Qualifying for the Olympics
Achieving and maintaining quality results at the international level
Developing our existing pool of athletes
Aligning skills and training standards across Canada
Establishing a National Team talent ID program

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* 12. Please rank in order the areas related to athletes and their development that you feel Water Polo Canada should make a priority moving forward. (1 being most important) DRAG EACH IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE

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* 13. Please rank in order the areas that you feel Water Polo Canada management should make a priority moving forward. (1 being most important) DRAG EACH IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE

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* 14. Please comment if you feel there are areas missing from the list above that Water Polo Canada should be focusing on in the future.

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* 15. If you had one wish/desire for Water Polo Canada to concentrate their efforts on in the next six (6) years, what is your number one priority?

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* 16. Do you have any additional feedback that will help guide us in creating our strategic plan?

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* 17. Water Polo Canada will be holding facilitated town hall consultations with various stakeholders. If you would like to receive an email with the links please leave it here. (emails will not be shared or reviewed).

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the survey as it will support the enhancement of water polo across Canada and guide the organization in our strategic plan for the coming four (4) years.