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Our sliding scale fee structure ($150 - $300) for this series is balancing a number of considerations, including:
  • community accessibility
  • fair exchange for the facilitators' time, experience and expertise
  • the belief that white people must invest their time, energy and resources in anti-racism work beyond what is easy and comfortable.
We realize that $150 is still beyond some families' ability to pay, especially in the midst of the current global pandemic, so we are offering additional scholarships by lottery. These will be partial scholarships and we will be asking you to pay whatever amount you are able for the series. 

Please complete the application form below by Friday, September 11, 2020.

Please visit for the full series details and schedule.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

We will not be offering any full scholarships for this series. Please consider the true value of what is being offered in these sessions, both in terms of the lasting impact this could have for you and your child(ren), and in the 50+ years of combined experience the facilitators bring to designing and delivering this content.

Question Title

* 4. If you receive a pay-as-you-are-able scholarship, what dollar amount will you contribute towards your participation in this series?

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you, your family, or your reasons for applying for the scholarship?

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