The NYS Council has devised a survey requesting specific information from our members that we believe will enhance the data and information we have at our disposal to support our SFY 25 State Budget and Legislative requests.  Your participation is very important to this process.  

If you have questions regarding any of the questions (below) please contact Cindy Levernois at: or Lauri Cole at:

We appreciate your participation and we look forward to receiving your responses by close of business on September 29.  

Thank you!!

Question Title

* 1. Name of Agency

Question Title

* 2. Person Responsible for Coordinating Survey Responses


Question Title

* 3. Please indicate whether your responses to the next section of questions include a clinic/s that is part of either the CCBHC Demo Program or the CCBHC Expansion Grant Program.

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* 4. If you operate an OASAS Part 822 Outpatient Clinic/s, do you currently have a waiting list for services in one or more of the clinics or (if you don’t keep waiting lists) is there a delay of more than two weeks for an initial assessment appointment?

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* 5. If yes, during the last year have you had to pause new intakes in any of your 822 clinics?

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* 6. If yes, where are the clinics with waiting lists / delays / pauses located (check all regions that apply)?

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* 7. From the date of first contact with the program/agency, on average, how long does it take a new client to get an initial assessment (please mark N/A if it does not apply)?

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* 8. From the date of the initial assessment appointment, on average, how long does it take for a client to be assigned to a therapist for ongoing care (please mark N/A if it does not apply)?

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* 9. On average, how long does it take for a client, who has had an initial assessment and may benefit from MAT, to get an appointment with a prescriber (please mark N/A if it does not apply)?

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* 10. Over the past year, did you reduce overall access to OASAS Part 822 Outpatient Clinic treatment services provided by your agency?

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* 11. If you reduced overall access to your OASAS 822 services, why was this necessary (check all that apply)?

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* 12. Over the past year did you consolidate care (for example, combining two freestanding clinics into one location)?

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* 13. Do you have a system in place to allow for urgent requests (by an established client) for an appointment with a therapist?

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* 14. Do you have a system in place to allow for urgent requests (by an established client) for an appointment with a prescriber?