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Pastor Dan Carroll recently announced Water of Life's efforts to return to live worship services on our campuses.  It is our desire to do this thoughtfully and carefully in this environment of social distancing and COVID-19 concerns.  Therefore, our services will not be large gatherings but rather smaller gatherings adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us as we seek to meet the diverse needs of our congregation.

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* 1. When our state government lifts its ban or provides guidance allowing churches to meet, which best describes your attitude toward returning to a worship service at church? Select one:

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* 2. In addition to our state government lifting its ban or providing guidance for  public gatherings, are there other signals you would want to see before you return to attend a worship service at church? Select all that apply

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* 3. What precautions, if any, do you plan to take when you return to a worship service? Select all that apply

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* 4. What precautions, if any, do you expect our church to take for worship gatherings? Select all that apply

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* 5. Would you be willing to attend your Small Group where it typically meets?

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* 6. Which of the following describes the attendance level at which you would be comfortable attending a worship service? I would be comfortable attending if the sanctuary is…

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* 7. When our state government lifts its ban or provides guidance for public gatherings, which of the following would you prefer for our church?

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* 8. Would you be willing to attend a worship service at a different time than you typically attend to allow people to be more spread out in the sanctuary?

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* 9. Would you be willing to attend a worship service in an overflow room to ensure people (in the sanctuary and overflow rooms) are spread out?

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* 10. Water of Life is looking to offer church services in the coming weeks. To present a low risk environment, our plan will establish 6 ft separation between parties in the worship center, require guests to reserve seats for their service,  require guests to be temperature screened, require masks to be worn at all times, encourage high-risk guests to remain home, and encourage guests to avoid contact with other guests.  As you read these guidelines, what are your thoughts?  Please select all that apply:

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* 11. Do you have children age 18 or younger who live with you and typically attend church with you?

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