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2021 WOJO Leadership Lab
Women Organizing for Justice & Opportunity (WOJO) Leadership Lab, sponsored by A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project, is seeking to develop a cohort of women to contribute their knowledge, skills, and leadership to movements for social justice in our community. We strive to eliminate discrimination and improve community conditions for the formerly incarcerated and others with criminal convictions.
The WOJO Leadership Lab provides a six-month training program from May through December 2021. The May 8th orientation is mandatory for all selected applicants. Participants must have a previous incarceration history.
Please submit your completed application no later than May 01, 2021, using this link. For more information please contact:
Ingrid Archie A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project P.O. Box 875288 Los Angeles, CA 90087 P: 424-522-3958 | F: 323-563-3445 |