Eastern Cape York waters

Please use this survey to provide comments on the following draft consultation documents for the eastern Cape York region, available at the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection website.

1. Draft report: eastern Cape York environmental values and water quality objectives (surface waters).
2. Draft Environmental Protection (Water) Policy maps: eastern Cape York, showing location of environmental values, catchments, water types and management intent.
3. Supporting reports (where applicable).

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* 1. Contact information (optional)

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* 2. Do you have any comments on the environmental values shown in the draft report and EPP Water mapping (e.g. locations of aquatic ecosystem, stock watering, recreation)?

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* 3. Do you have any comments on the mapping of water types, management intent and sub-catchments shown in the EPP Water mapping? Separate maps are provided for each of the main basins, and coastal and marine waters.

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* 4. Do you have any comments on the aquatic ecosystem draft water quality objectives listed in tables in the report (shown by basin, catchment, flow, water type)?

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* 5. Do you have any comments on the human use water quality objectives (e.g. recreational use, stock watering) listed in the draft report?

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* 6. Do you have any comments on data sources or methods used to develop the objectives?

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* 7. Do you hold water quality data of potential relevance to the project?

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* 8. Do you have any comments on the ecological or socio-economic values of waters in this area?

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* 9. Do you have any comments on the socio-economic impacts of protecting environmental values?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments on the main reports or supporting reports?

Privacy statement

Any personal information in your submission will be collected by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection for the purpose of the project review. The department may contact you for further consultation on the issues you raise, and your submission and/or comments may be provided to others with an interest in the review, for example, other Queensland Government agencies involved in the project.

Submissions provided to the department in relation to this project will be treated as public documents. This means that in all but exceptional cases, they may be published on the department’s website, together with the name and suburb of each person making a submission. If you would like your submission, or any part of it, to be treated as confidential, please indicate this clearly. Please note however that all submissions may be subject to disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009, and access applications for submissions, including those marked confidential, will be determined in accordance with that Act.