Your Voice Matters!

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is in the process of gathering community input regarding the design of a grant funding opportunity to support urban agriculture throughout the state of CA. This survey is one way we hope community members can share where there are funding gaps or hurdles that create challenges for the success of Urban Agriculture in your community. This survey is also a baseline to measure what priorities are most important to you. If you'd like to share your thoughts in a meeting or phone call please reach out to the contact below.
Sara Bernal
Urban Agriculture Program Lead 
CA Dept of Food and Agriculture
Expect about 15-20 min needed to complete this survey

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Zip Code

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* 5. How do you identify?

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* 6. What gender do you identify with?

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* 7. I am most connected to Urban Agriculture that is

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* 8. What do you see as the biggest challenges in Urban Agriculture?

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* 9. The biggest challenge faced by Urban Agriculture are: Please explain why you selected your top choice OR share anything else you'd like even if not listed:

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* 10. What do you see as the most important goals/outcomes of Urban Agriculture?

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* 11. The most important goal/outcome of Urban Agriculture are: Please explain why you selected your top choice OR share anything else you'd like even if not listed.

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* 12. The food we grow is getting to those we intend to serve.

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* 13. What are the challenges if any in getting the food to those you intend to reach? (Examples: transportation vehicle, outreach, cost, etc.)

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* 14. The state of CA has $12million dollars to support Urban Agriculture by developing a grant opportunity. Do you think the State of CA should develop a few large grants or many smaller ones?

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* 15. If you had unlimited access to funding what would you spend it on FIRST?

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* 16. Please feel free to share ANYTHING that you would like the California Department of Food and Agriculture to consider in designing the Urban Agriculture Grant Opportunity. This will help us better understand what funding is most desired by the community.