disAbility CONNECTIONS makes a new strategic plan every 3 to 5 years in order to best service the communities where it offers services.  We have adopted the Directions and Strategies below to help improve services.  Please answer the questions in each area to help us best plan to meet the needs of our communities.  For more information on our organization please visit www.disabilityconnect.org  

Question Title

* 1. What service area are you in?

Direction:  Identify and provide quality, effective services and supports to children, families and adults with disabilities.
        Strategy:  Increase services and capacity (Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale) as needs are identified through data and input from Board members, staff, and each community.

Question Title

* 2. What services are missing in your area to best serve persons with disabilities?

Question Title

* 3. If services exist and are limited please state the service and what it needs to be improved.

Direction:  Educate and advocate, involving Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale residents, businesses, and other organizations to address systems barriers and issues which stand in the way of full inclusion and participation.
       Strategy:  Educate our communities about disability and disability issues.

Question Title

* 4. What does your community need to know about disability and disability issues?  Please be specific.

     Strategy:  Advocate for an integrated, fully inclusive, productive community.

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* 5. What areas do you feel need the most integration in your community?  Please be specific.

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* 6. What would allow people with disabilities become more productive in your community?  Please be specific.

     StrategyIdentify and build partnerships in and outside of counties, collaborating to meet common goals.

Question Title

* 7. What organizations should disAbility Connections be collaborating with in your area and why?

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* 8. What other additional information and issues should disAbility Connections be working on.