Hello!  Please use this form to submit a financial pledge to Unitarian Universalist Church West for 2020-2021 -OR- to let UUCW know about your financial circumstances.  All answers will be held in confidence by the Rev. Suzelle Lynch, and all pledges will be entered into UUCW records.  THANK YOU! 

Question Title

* 1. Your First and Last Name 

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* 2. Your email address and phone number

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* 3. I am making a pledge for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year, which begins May 1, 2020.

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* 4. I am making a pledge of the amount listed below for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year, which begins May 1, 2020.

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* 5. I cannot pledge at this time.  Please help me by doing the things I've checked below.

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* 6. Is there anything else you'd like us to know?  Do you need an "Auto pay" form or information about giving online or via text message?  Please let us know using the box below.  THANK YOU!!