North Shore Presbyterian Church -  Neighborhood Survey Fall 2022

We want to hear from you!

This summer, North Shore Presbyterian Church celebrated 100 years ministering in Shorewood. The church has undergone many changes through our years in service, and we know our community has been changing too! 
Here are some things we’d like you to know!
  • We welcome questions (and so does God!). Life and faith can be confusing, so we hold safe space to ask tough questions. We walk with each other as we seek good grace together.
  • 🌈 We are an Open & Affirming congregation! We support our LGBTQI+ community, and we welcome folks from rich & diverse backgrounds
  • The church facilities are spacious, versatile, and available to the public. We have many opportunities for building use (commercial kitchen, large and small gathering spaces, an outdoor courtyard, a reception hall, a stage).
  • We take pride in our choral program and invite folks to join in making a joyful noise! (Please note, you don’t have to be a member to sing along!) 🎵
  • We prioritize connections- where the world can seem isolating, we seek to love, respect, and connect with one another as part of our spiritual call.
  • We have hearts to care and hands to help! ❤️ Our faith calls us to be active in taking care of others. Our new Food for the Journey garden ministry grows produce for those in need. We also partner with: Interchange Food Pantry, Larry Under the Bridge, Pathfinders, Peace Learning Center, Hanan Refugee Relief, AA & Al-Anon to help where help is needed.

Now, as we prepare to enter our 101st year of ministry, we’d like to know: 
How can we better serve YOU, Neighbor?
Is there anything our neighborhood needs that NSPC can provide? How can we help? 
We would like to hear from you. The following is a brief survey (3 mins) to collect your thoughts and ideas for how we can help, for new ways in which we can positively impact our Shorewood community in the next 100 years!
1.Have you joined us for worship?
2.Have you had the chance to come inside the building?
3.If you answered YES to Question #2, why were you visiting us?
4.What do you value about this church?
5.Thinking about our facilities, what spaces might you, your family, or your organization have a need for (one time or regular use)?
6.How can we better serve our neighborhood?
7.How are you feeling moved to make the world a better place?
8.Is there anything else you’d like to share?