Your feedback is important to us.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. School:

Question Title

* 4. The module 1 Knowledge Deepening learning intentions and success criteria gave me a good idea of what to expect in the module

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* 5. I was able to follow the simulation lesson poll (TK) and pedagogy 'collaboration' (TPK) activities in unit 1 of the module.

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* 6. I was able to follow the simulation practical (TK) and lesson design portfolio tasks (TPACK) in unit 2 of the module.

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* 7. I found the examples of lesson plans and teacher simulation resources to be helpful in developing my own lesson plans and simulation resources

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* 8. I have been exposed to some new ideas about 'simulation' and 'collaboration' through participation in the discussion forum and chats.

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* 9. I found that the teaching and learning strategies presented in the module (on  'simulation' software tool, on 'poll vote' for the best simulation lesson, on 'collaborative' learning and group work, on 'creating student worksheets for simulation activities', on doing a 'quiz' on simulation) to be useful for applying in my classroom lessons.

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* 10. I found that the technology tools introduced in the module ('poll vote', 'simulations', 'creating student worksheets', doing a 'quiz'; to be relevant for supporting the teaching of concepts in my subject area.

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* 11. I found the materials in the module to be overwhelming - too much, too long and difficult to integrate into my classroom practice.

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* 12. I felt well-supported by my school-based coordinator and my colleague teachers on the ADSI course in my school

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* 13. The online tutor for my group supported us throughout the duration of this module

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* 14. I believe that the technology, pedagogy and content (TPACK) of module 2 is useful for supporting the teaching of the syllabusin my subject area

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* 15. I have received assistance from the ADSI helpdesk in a timely and comprehensive way when required

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* 16. Moodle platform - I found that I could access and explore the Module 2 materials on the Moodle platform using a computer or a laptop or a mobile phone.

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* 17. I received technical support in regards to the Moodle e-learning and the Phone m-learning platforms in time when required

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* 18. PDF Copies of Module 2 - I found that I could access and explore the Module 2 materials by printing the pdf copy of the complete module

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* 19. What has been the most important learning in Module 2

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* 20. What have been the challenges in Module 2? Tick as appropriate

  No challenge - it was a great expereince Few challenges Some challenges Quite a few challenges A lot of challenges
Access to equipment (computer lab, laptop/ projector in the classroom)
Access to e-learning platform Moodle
Access to the chats
Access to the discussion forum
Simulations for my subject area
OERs fo my subject area
Access to m-learning platform on my phone

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* 21. Please add other comments that you may have that will help us improve this module:

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* 22. Any other comment(s).