Informed Consent Form

You are invited to participate in this observational research on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that impact college student academic achievement. This web-based informed consent form is for adult persons, 18 years of age or older, who identify as Latin American, Latino/Latina/Latinx, Hispanic, and have graduated with a bachelor's degree from a four-year institution. Participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate now, you are free to change your mind later and stop participation. There are no negative consequences for not participating. This study has been approved through A.T. Still University and will include 350 participants.

What is the purpose of this study?
Among the many ethnic populations in the United States, Latin American students experience significant barriers to achieving their educational goals. According to statistics gathered by the National Center for Education Statistics, Latin American students have the highest high school dropout rate and the lowest rate of persons with a bachelor's degree by age 25 years. While they may have similar college enrollments as their White counterparts, Latin American students have a reduced rate of persons completing their degrees within six years. While significant barriers and challenges exist, we know that many students within the Latin American community have overcome the challenges, yourself included. This research will identify the scope and prevalence of some of the most cited factors that impact student success.

What will you do?
By agreeing to participate in this study, you will be completing a web-based survey through Survey Monkey and submitting your data to analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors that predict academic success in the Latin-American college graduate population. You also agree to provide true and accurate information to the best of your ability. By clicking next, you are consenting to participate in this study, in which you will be asked a series of eighteen (18) questions. You will be asked to answer questions about your background, educational goals, approximate household income while you were enrolled in your undergraduate program, and to reflect on some of your experiences from your undergraduate education. This online survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate now and later change your mind, there will be no consequences associated. Whatever data you submitted or remain unsubmitted will be deleted and not used in this study.

Possible Risks How we’re minimizing these risks
Some questions may be personal or upsetting Your responses to the survey questions are critical to the study. If you are uncomfortable answering all questions, it may be best that you drop out of the study.
Breach of confidentiality (your data being seen by someone who shouldn’t have access to it)
  • Data are anonymous.
  • Any cookie gathering information will be deleted before exporting the data for analysis. 
  • We will store all electronic data on a password-protected, computer.
  • All data will be deleted 48 months after completing this research project.
Online data being hacked or intercepted You experience this risk any time you provide information online. We are using a secure system to collect this data, thereby, protecting your information to the best of our ability.

There may be risks we do not know about yet. Throughout the study, we will tell you if we learn anything that might affect your decision to continue participation.
Other Study Information

Possible benefits Your responses could benefit the Latin-American community so that we might gain a better understanding of factors that impact student success.  This information would be used to expand programs and support services to meet the needs for future Latin-American college students.
Estimated number of participants 350
How long will it take? 5-10 minutes
Costs None
Compensation If you consent to participation, upon completion of the survey you may email to enter yourself for an opportunity to win one (1) of five (5) $20 VISA gift cards.
Future research De-identified (all identifying information removed) data may be shared with other researchers. You will not be told specific details about these future research studies.
Removal from the study The Principal Investigator reserves the right to remove any participant from the study, should situations arise that warrant this action.
Confidentiality and Data Security
We will collect the following identifying information for the research: your responses to some demographic type questions, and your responses for your reflections from your college experiences. This information is necessary for the purposes of analyzing your response data. If you choose to submit an email to enter yourself in a drawing for a gift card, this information will only be used to notify you if your email was selected to receive a gift card. 

Where will data be stored?
  • On a password-protected computer that will be stored in a locked filing cabinet when not in use. 
How long will it be kept?
  • 48 Months; Federal regulations require research records to be retained for at least 3 years after the completion of the research.
SurveyMonkey Privacy Policy

Who can see my data? Why? Type of data
The researchers To conduct the study and analyze the data De-identified (no names, birthdate, address, etc. attached to the data) responses from the online survey.
The IRB (Institutional Review Board) at ATSU

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) or other federal agencies
To ensure we’re following laws and ethical guidelines De-identified (no names, birthdate, address, etc. attached to the data) responses from the online survey.
Anyone (public) If we share our findings in publications or presentations De-identified (no names, birthdate, address, etc. attached to the data) responses from the online survey.
Contact information

For questions about the research Hector Cervantes p: 480-209-7138 e:
For questions about your rights as a
research participant
IRB (Institutional Review Board; provides ethics oversight) p: 660-626-2316 e:
For complaints or problems Hector Cervantes
p: 480-209-7138 e:
p: 660-626-2316 e:

Question Title

* 1. Selecting 'Approve' and continuing to the survey acknowledges your willingness and consent to participate in this study by providing truthful answers to the survey questions.