2018 Awards Nomination

The 2018 Awards Nomination Committee (Chairs: VP External Affairs Graciela Tonon and Habib Tiliouine. Members: Joe Sirgy, Daniel Shek and Kai Ludwigs) have selected the following candidates as nominees. The ISQOLS Board of Directors are requested to read the candidates' CV/bios and details below or at http://www.isqols.org/award/2018-isqols-awards-nominations/.
Please submit your vote by March 12th, 2018. 

Question Title

* 1. Research Fellow Award:
The basic requirement for eligibility to be designated a Fellow shall be evidence of a substantial contribution to QOL research.The designation of Fellow of ISQOLS is determined by a simple majority of the Board of Directors (with at least 25% of the Directors voting). Nominations for Fellows are made through the Nominating Committee.

Birger Poppel:

Question Title

* 2. Distinguished QOL Researcher Award
The basic requirement for eligibility to be designated a Distinguished QOL Researcher shall be evidence of a lifetime and substantial contribution to QOL research. The designation of Distinguished QOL Research of ISQOLS is determined by a simple majority of the Board of Directors (with at least 25% of the Directors voting). Nominations for Distinguished QOL Researchers are made through the Nominating Committee.

Question Title

* 3. Distinguished Service Award:
The basic requirement for eligibility to be given a Distinguished Service Award is outstanding service to the Society in a leadership position (e.g., president). The designation of Distinguished service person is determined by a simple majority of the Board of Directors (with at least 25% of the Directors voting). Nominations for the Distinguished Service Award are made through the Nominating Committee.

Mariano Rojas (who will finish his tenure as President at the end of this year)

Question Title

* 4. Young Scholar Award:
The designation of Young Scholar Award is determined by a simple majority of the Board of Directors (with at least 25% of the Directors voting). Nominations for the Distinguished Service Award are made through the Nominating Committee.

Mohsen Joshanloo
(Click here to read CV)

Question Title

* 5. Best Annual Journal of Macromarketing (JMM) QOL Section Paper Award: 

Mai, N. T. T., Rahtz, D. R., & Shultz, C. J. (2014). Tourism as catalyst for quality of life in transitioning subsistence marketplaces: Perspectives from Ha Long, Vietnam. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(1), 28-44.
Click here to read the article.

Question Title

* 6. Best Annual Applied Research in Quality of Life (ARQOL) Paper Award:

Well-Being During Recession in the UK  by David Bayliss & Wendy Olsen & Pierre Walthery, Applied Research Quality Life (2017) 12:369–387
Click here to read article

Question Title

* 7. Award for the Betterment of the Human Condition
The basic requirement for eligibility for this award is significant accomplishment by an organization (private or public sector organization) to the development and use of QOL measures in serving its constituency. The Nominating Committee with the assistance of the Vice-President for External Affairs scouts possible candidates for consideration. The selected candidate is nominated by the Nominating Committee and is selected by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors (with at least 25% of the Directors voting).

Legatum Institute: http://www.li.com/