Researcher: Stelios Georgiou

If you want more information contact Andri Zeniou  


My name is Stelios Georgiou and I am a PhD student at the University of West London in the faculty of the London College of Music. This is a research study that you will be asked to answer a brief questionnaire as part of it. The purpose of this questionnaire is to:

1.     To evaluate, illustrate, analyse and discover key aspects in what ways speech therapists and music therapists in Cyprus utilise music activities to help people with speech and language disorders.

2.     Promote the power and impact that music can have on somebody with speech and language disabilities and the common links between speech therapists and music therapists.  

3.     To have an impact on Cypriot society and the scientific community in general.

4.     Το have a substantial synergy between music therapists and speech therapists in order to achieve their common goal, i.e. the well-being or recovery of the patient.

5.     Move current thinking in music and speech therapy forward to a new comprehension/understanding.

The information you submit will be utilized to strengthen and develop the concept of cooperation between speech therapists/pathologists and music therapists in order to treat children with speech and language impairments via music.

Your replies will not be shared to anybody and will remain anonymous for deontological reasons. Your name will not appear on the questionnaire or in any other records. All information you submit for this research will be kept strictly secret. When the study's findings are published, you will not be identifiable by name or any other information that may be used to determine your identity. Only researchers will be able to examine any data gathered during this study. Your participation is entirely optional, and you may withdraw from this study at any moment or skip any questions you do not desire to answer. Your refusal to participate will not consequence any penalty or reduction in benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

The study will adhere to all generally accepted ethical standards. By filling out the accompanying questionnaire you consent to cooperate in this research study. Please ask the researcher and questionnaire helper mentioned at the start of this questionnaire if you have any queries.

Thanks for the time.

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. What is your educational level?

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* 3. Did you train in Cyprus? If no, where did you study? In which country did you do your professional training?

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* 4. What is your Profession?