Women Leaders in Global Health Survey

THANK YOU for taking the time to fill out this important survey!

This survey (which is voluntary, anonymous, and cannot be tracked back to your identity) is intended to help us understand the issues surrounding gender equity in global health leadership.

The survey asks a few demographic questions and a few questions about your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about women leaders in global health. [Those who participated in the WLGH conference at Stanford on Oct. 12 (either in person or via livestream) will be asked to respond to a few questions specifically about the event.]

Please answer questions as honestly as possible, and know that there are open-ended questions at the end that we hope will allow you to tell us anything we don’t specifically ask about.

Question Title

* 1. My age is...

Question Title

* 2. I identify my gender as...

Question Title

* 5. I would describe myself as...

Question Title

* 6. My current marital status is best described as...

Question Title

* 7. I have ______ dependents currently living with me or for whom I am a primary care giver.   [Enter a whole number, 0 if none]

Question Title

* 8. I would describe myself as...

Question Title

* 9. I consider myself....

Question Title

* 10. My current (or most recent) position is best described as.... 

Question Title

* 11. Which best describes you?

Question Title

* 12. Now we have a few questions specifically about the Women Leaders in Global Health Conference. First, did you attend any portion of the Women Leaders in Global Health Conference at Stanford Oct 11-12, either in person or via livestream?