WLA Membership Register

This survey consists of twenty questions aimed at building a comprehensive register of WLA membership and to assist the secretariat in developing a directory and planning for the next steps in the resuscitation of the Association - particularly resource mobilization and planning for relevant activities as identified by the members.

Please take the time to respond to ALL the questions and freely use the comment/text boxes to contribute any additional directions/advice/questions.

PLEASE NOTE: You can also share the survey link with any members you know of that might not have been reached or might have been inadvertently overlooked.

Question Title

* 1. What is your preferred title? (eg. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Justice)

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* 2. What is your first name?

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* 3. What is your last name?

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* 4. Please indicate those contact details that we can use to communicate with you. Kindly indicate your preferred communication means.

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. What legal education you have completed?

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* 7. Are you a Licensed Member of the Malawi Law Society? (Please explain)

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* 8. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

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* 9. What is(are) your current area(s) of practice?

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* 10. Do you hold a leadership position? Please explain.

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* 11. In what country do you currently reside?

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* 12. Which Chapter is closest to you?

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* 13. What activities of the Association would you prefer to be involved in?

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* 14. What topics would you most like to learn about or discuss at the regular chapter meetings?

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* 15. What topics and/or events would you suggest for continuing legal education, professional and career enhancement?

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* 16. What resources can you pledge to help resuscitate the Association? And please indicate a suggested annual membership fee.

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* 17. How frequently do you suggest the Chapter should meet?

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* 18. What is the most convenient time for Chapter meetings (you can choose more than one option)

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* 19. What changes would most improve our Association?

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* 20. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

100% of survey complete.