Torbay Talks

As part of the Town's ongoing process to improve the way we communicate with our residents, businesses and the community it is important to hear directly from you. We encourage you to take this brief survey to provide us with your ideas and suggestions about the most important information you want from the Town and the best ways to get that information to you. Thank you in advance for your time and input! This survey is also being distributed through our green communication channels and online, via our website and social media channels. We'll be collecting responses until February 15th. 

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* 1. Gender

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Are you a current resident of Torbay?

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* 4. Do you own a business in Torbay?

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* 5. If you could have improved access to news your own way, which Town communication tools would you prefer? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What is your communication preference?

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* 7. What kind of information are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. How likely would you be to download and use an App from the Town of Torbay?

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* 9. How often would you want to receive information from our town?

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* 10. If you want Town information via email, please provide your e-mail address below (If you do not want information this way, please leave blank)

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* 11. If you want to receive printed Town information in the mail, please enter your mailing address below. (If you do not want information this way, please leave blank)

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* 12. If you are interested in receiving Town information via text message, please enter your mobile number below. (If you do not want information this way, please leave blank)