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* 1. Who do you represent?

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* 2. Where are your activities based?

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* 3. What type of AT are you most interested in developing or using?

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* 4. What are the TOP THREE challenges for making appropriate AT available to end-users (please select only three boxes)?

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* 5. What should be the TOP THREE priorities for AT in the future (please select only three boxes)?

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* 6. If intellectual property is relevant to AT, how is it relevant?

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* 7. If you use the intellectual property system, how have you used it?

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* 8. What country or region offers the most favorable environment for ensuring the availability of AT according to your experience (e.g. enabling legal and regulatory framework including appropriate IP system and trade facilitation mechanisms or other considerations such as local manufacturing capacity)?

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* 9. What THREE policy initiatives may support greater availability of AT by users (please select only three boxes)?

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* 10. There is a gap between the development of AT policy and its implementation. How can this gap be bridged?

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* 11. Are there other specific user needs to be met or technical challenges to be overcome for further advancements in AT? 

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* 12. How can multi-stakeholder initiatives like WHO GATE, ATScale and AT2030 etc address some of the challenges in the AT space?