1. Introduction

12% of survey complete.
Hi, my name is Sean Moffitt, I recently wrote a book Wikibrands - Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace (McGraw-Hill, www.wiki-brands.com) and in my day job, function as President of a customer engagement, innovation and online community firm Agent Wildfire.

And well, we'd like a bit of your help.

The thing is ... we love causes, charities and not-for-profits. We rave about them all the time. We like what they attempt to achieve (sometimes with less resources than some might think possible). We also like the people involved in running them. They come in different stripes but tend to be, at the heart of it, nice people with a mission.

So, what follows is our "Wikibrands, WikiGood" 2011 survey conducted by Agent Wildfire (www.agentwildfire.com). The survey provides a pulse check among not-for-profit leaders, directors and managers for shifts in attitudes, adoption and perceptions of marketing, media, digital life and customer/fan/donor culture. We hope it can become an annually updated resource for the industry and you.

Whether you have been sent this (we targeted 300 causes that we respected) or have stumbled past this, over the next six weeks, we want to benchmark how trends are changing in your industry and highlight how they might differ from your for-profit cousins.

The target audience for this survey are: executive sponsors, program directors and architects, day-to-day managers and interested stakeholders that have a stake in the not-for-profit game.

The coolness factor? To our knowledge, there isn't another survey that attempts to get after not-for-profit insights about the ecosystem surrounding new and progressive alternative media, fundraising and marketing formats and the causes that sponsor them.

In return for filling out this survey, we are also offering the chance to win one of five Wikibrands books (www.wiki-brands.com), ten Kiva Gift Cards, a chance to become part of our WikiGood expert team (read on...) and an early preview of the survey's results.

Please feel free to forward the link to interested colleagues or contact us personally. The survey is comprised of 17 questions (with an option for a few more) and should take less than 10-15 minutes to complete.

NOTE: Your individual answers and contact info will not be shared with other parties except by those analysts involved in summarizing survey information or after formally being asked to share responses.

Thanks in advance for raising the good,

Sean Moffitt
President, Agent Wildfire
Co-Author, Wikibrands (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2011)
@wikibrands or @seanmoffitt