To show your commitment to employing international students, please sign the WA International Student Business Pledge as part of StudyPerth's JobFinder WA program in partnership with SEEK.

Question Title

Are you interested in being part of StudyPerth's JobFinder WA program for international students?

Company Information

The following information and your company logo will be used for marketing purposes to promote your participation in the JobFinderWA program.

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Company Name

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Preferred Company Logo

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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Brief Company Description

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Company Careers Website URL (or Company homepage)

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First Name

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Last Name

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Email Address

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Telephone Number

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What are the main reasons your organisation is interested in being part of the program? (Select all that apply)

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Does your organisation commit to fostering career opportunities for international students and graduates to succeed?

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Does your organisation commit to respecting international student experiences allowing for study work balance?

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Does your organisation commit to celebrating cultural diversity and inclusion?

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Does your organisation commit to maintaining a strong and positive reputation for the JobFinderWA program and partner organisations?

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Does your organisation have a SEEK employer profile?

Question Title

Seek employer profile URL (

Question Title

Privacy Policy

Question Title
