Work Health Safety June 2022 Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. What is Work Health & Safety? A set of guidelines you can choose to put in place to improve safety at work. Something that only supervisors and the leadership team need to be concerned with. Systems and process put in place to define how we do things whilst minimising our exposure to risk. Question Title * 3. Under WH&S legislation, an employer must? Take reasonable care for their own safety. Take reasonable care to ensure their conduct does not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons. Participate in WH&S risk management process incident reporting. All the above. Question Title * 4. What is the function of a WH&S committee? To ensure workers views are heard on work health and safety and to help develop and monitor safety systems and procedures. To monitor other work groups. To only review past incidents. To monitor attendance and punctuality. Question Title * 5. What is a hazard? Anything or a situation that has potential to cause harm or injury to a person such as noise, chemicals, repetitive jobs, bulling and violence at work. An incident in the workplace resulting in harm or injury to a person caused by noise, chemicals, repetitive jobs, bullying or violence. No wearing your uniform. Question Title * 6. Why do we report a hazard, risk or near miss? For reporting purposes. For insurance purposes. To collect data. To stop accidents before they occur. Question Title * 7. How do we at Allowah report a hazard, risk or near miss? To the nearest colleague. To your supervisor. Through Leecare, on a computer and to the person in charge. Hope someone else has reported it. Question Title * 8. What do you do with broken equipment. Complete a Hazard Alert Form in Leecare. Notify the RN in charge. Attach a sign and remove it to a safe location. Write in the equipment book. All of the above. Question Title * 9. What are the two colours of the call bells? Yellow and Green. Red and Yellow. Red and Blue. Red and Green. Question Title * 10. Select three safety practices. No running in the hospital. No hot drinks in patient areas. Smoking is allowed in the carpark only. Speed limit on Allowah grounds is 10km/hr. Footwear is covered leather shoes with non-slip soles. Question Title * 11. What is the maximum weight of a child for single lifts? 16kgs and under. 10kgs and under. 18kgs and under. 12kgs and under. Question Title * 12. You can double lift a child? True False Question Title * 13. Select two important wheelchair safety rules. Harness and lap belts secured as in child's care plan. Anti-tips on at all times. You can tilt the chair back in any circumstance. Question Title Question Title * 14. What does the sign in the above photo indicate? Walking direction. Direction of emergency exit. Direction of nearest door. Question Title Question Title * 15. What does the sign in the above photo indicate? Food storage area. Chemical storage area. Child safe play area. Question Title Question Title * 16. Where can you find the above codes? Select all correct answers. Near all phones. On the back of staff and volunteer I.D. Next to all fire equipment. Question Title Question Title * 17. What does the sign in the above photo indicate? Dance area. Slippery floor. Watch for falling people. Question Title Question Title * 18. What is displayed in the above picture? An ordinary phone. An ordinary phone but in red. An internal WIP phone used only for emergency situations. A phone used by supervisors to talk to each other during shift. Question Title Question Title * 19. Where can the above be found? In each patient room. Only in the corridor outside room 8. At the front door and downstairs. All of the above. Question Title Question Title * 20. What does this map show? Nearest exits to you location. You current location at Allowah. The location of fire equipment. Emergency assembly area. All of the above. Done