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During this unprecedented time, we want to hear from you about COVID-19 in the women's health practice. We want to understand the impact this virus may have had on you, your practice, and your patients. But mostly, what we can potentially do to help now and in the future. 

Please help us by taking a short online survey. Your responses will help us better understand your daily activities and challenges and to develop potential solutions, ultimately providing you and your patients with the best Voluson experiences.

Thank you for your time and insights.

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* 1. Please provide the top 3 ways COVID impacted your practice, business, patient volume, etc.

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* 2. With many new and evolving guidelines and recommendations from societies (e.g., ISUOG/ACOG/AIUM), what practice/clinical protocol adjustments did you implement?

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* 3. What changes did you make to your ultrasound scanning exams? Select all that apply

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* 4. Did you implement telehealth into your practice

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* 5. How do you use telehealth in your practice? Select all that apply

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* 6. What protocols or other changes will you continue to operate when COVID-19 restrictions relax? Where do you see most benefit(s)? Select all that apply

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* 7. Please provide feedback or product requirement(s), related-or not-related to COVID-19, that you have for us as a Women’s Health ultrasound provider.

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