A Survey of People with Bipolar Disorder who were
hospitalized for a Suicidal Episode

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey.

Please read this section before starting the questionnaire.
Your safety is of the utmost importance.

This research is aimed at understanding the experiences of adults diagnosed as having bipolar disorder who have been hospitalized for a suicidal episode (suicide attempt or strong thoughts of suicide). Recalling such a moment can be difficult. Please make sure that you feel well enough -- and are confident enough that this event is in the past-- to be able to answer this 15-minute questionnaire about it.

You must have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder
and be over 18 years of age to take this survey.

This survey is strictly anonymous and is being shared globally with the kind help of various bipolar patient advocacy groups, authors, and leading members of the bipolar community.

We want to understand from individuals who were hospitalized for a suicidal episode, how you felt about the care that you received. We want to know what worked for you and what did not work for you in the hospital. The results of this survey should help improve care procedures, and the design of clinical studies. Results will be shared later this year.

Please know that your answers are completely anonymous.
For those who are computer experts - even your IP address will be suppressed.

Please make sure that you are in a safe environment and feel well enough to answer these questions. Though your participation is important, if at any point you don't feel well enough to continue, please stop.

Thank you for your participation.
If you agree to proceed at your own responsibility click next to start the survey.
5% of survey complete.