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* 1. Have you called the Canton Police Department in the past 12 months and requested police service?

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* 2. When you called the police were you a resident, business owner, employee or visitor?

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* 3. Please indicate why you called the police.

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* 4. Was the call taker professional and courteous?

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* 5. Please indicate how satisfied you were with the overall outcome of your contact with the call taker who handled your call.

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* 6. Please indicate how satisfied you were with the amount of time it took the police to respond.

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* 7. Did the police officer who responded act in a courteous and professional manner?

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* 8. Please indicate how satisfied you were with the overall outcome of your contact with the officer.

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* 9. Please rate what you feel the relationship is between the residents of Canton and the Canton Police Department.

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* 10. Please add any additional comments, concerns or suggestions you wish to share with the Canton Police Department. If you would like to be contacted regarding this survey or to have specific questions answered please include your name and contact information.