North Versailles Township Community Survey

1.What is your Age?
2.What is the most pressing issue you currently face in North Versailles Township?
3.Which of the following areas do you believe need improvement in North Versailles Township? Select all that apply
4.How would you rate the overall quality of public services in North Versailles Township? (i.e. road maintenance, trash collection, policing etc.)
5.Do you feel safe walking in your neighborhood at night?
6.What change would make the biggest positive impact on your daily life in North Versailles Township?
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend living in NVT to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
8.What communication methods do you prefer for receiving updates from the township? Select all that apply
9.If you could address any issue directly with the township's management, what would it be?
10.Ward of residence (optional)