The Louisiana Division of Administrative Law staff is committed to providing fair and prompt hearings to resolve disputes between state agencies and citizens of Louisiana. You can help us to identify areas in need of improvement by completing a short survey to tell us about your experience. You can also let us know what we are getting right and should not change. We want to hear from you!

While some responses may be published, the source of the response will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Name of State Agency

Question Title

* 2. My role in hearings at DAL is as an:

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* 3. The number of hearings I have participated in at DAL this calendar year is:

Question Title

* 4. If you filed documents online through the Division of Administrative Law website, was the process easy to understand and complete?

Question Title

* 5. If you had interactions with the office staff, were they courteous and knowledgeable?

In the next 6 questions, think about all your hearings at DAL and tell us how the Administrative Law Judge did without letting your feelings about whether the decision was in your agency’s favor influence your opinion.

Question Title

* 6. My hearing(s) started on time.

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* 7. The judge clearly explained the hearing process.

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* 8. The judge managed the hearing process fairly and efficiently.

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* 9. The judge was knowledgeable about the governing laws.

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* 10. The judge was courteous and respectful during the hearing(s).

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* 11. The decision(s) I received was/were clearly written and easy to understand.

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* 12. I am satisfied with the hearing process at the Division of Administrative Law.

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* 13. Include any comments about your experience(s) at DAL that you wish to share.  Please include the docket number and name of the administrative law judge that conducted your hearing for any comments about a specific adjudication: