FNA  COVID-19 Workplace Survey

This survey is designed to gather data about the nursing work environment in Florida related to the care of persons with COVID-19.  This data will be compiled and a report will be published. Results will be posted on the FNA Website in the Coronavirus Resource Page at http://www.floridanurse.org/coronavirus . Participation is anonymous and there will be no attempt to identify respondents to this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Area of Practice (Choose one)

Question Title

* 2. In what Region of Florida do you work? 

Question Title

* 3. In your professional role, what is your level of concern related to each of these items?

  Extremely Concerned Moderately Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Very Concerned Not Concerned at All 
Personal Protective Equipment
Adequate Test Kits and Training
Safety of Your Family and Friends
Personal Safety
Caring for  COVID-19 Positive Persons or Person under Investigation
Accessing reliable and credible information

Question Title

* 4. What are your specific concerns related to staffing?

Question Title

* 5. Do you work at a facility that has cared for patients with known or suspected COVID-19?

Question Title

* 6. Does your facility currently have a plan in place to care for those with known or suspected COVID-19

Question Title

* 7. Currently, what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shortages is your facility experiencing?

  We are out of supplies We are short of supplies We are moderately stocked We are fully stocked We typically do not stock these items
N95 Masks
Full Face Shields
Partial Face Shields
Surgical Masks
HEPA Filters, PAPR's and Hoods
Disposable Gowns
Isolation Gowns
Hand Sanitizer
Surgical Gowns
Tyvek and/or Bunny Suits
Foot Covers
Hand Soap

Question Title

* 8. How many N 95 masks are you allotted at your workplace?

Question Title

* 9. Currently, is your organization experiencing workflow challenges related to:

  Severe Workforce Challenges Moderate Workforce Challenges Minimal Workforce Challenges No Workforce Challenges
Staff Screening for COVID
Isolation of Vulnerable Populations
Safety Communication by Shift
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Capacity Protocols During Surge
Organizational Policies and Procedures
Visitor Policies
Isolation Room Clean by Nurses
Transportation for Patients
Support Services (Nutrition, Chaplain, etc)
Transportation of Staff

Question Title

* 10. Is your facility "cleaning" and reusing N-95 Masks?

Question Title

* 11. Is there an identifier so that you get your own mask after cleaning?

Question Title

* 12. If there is an exposure to COVID-19, what is the current policy? 

Question Title

* 13. Does your facility have adequate COVID-19 testing kits?

Question Title

* 14. Have you provided care for ANY isolation patients (TB, Measles, including COVID-19) using less than optimal PPE because of supply shortages in the last month? 

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* 15. Have you been exposed to a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19? 

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* 16. (Only answer if you answered yes to Question 10). If you have been exposed to a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID -19, have you experienced fever, cough, or shortness of breath? 

Question Title

* 17. Currently, how well prepared are you to provide care to a patient with Known or suspected COVID-19? 

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* 18. Have you provided direct care to a patient with known or suspected COVID-19 within the last month? 

Question Title

* 19. If you answered yes to question 13, how were you informed that you would be providing care for a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?

Question Title

* 20. Are you concerned or afraid to come to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic? 

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* 21. What risks and concerns are you facing related to YOUR personal health and well being? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.   

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* 22. If you are exposed at work and need to be tested for COVID-19, how does testing occur?

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* 23. Please share ANYTHING you would like us to know about your experiences related to the care of persons with COVID-19.

Question Title

* 24. Are you a member of the Florida Nurses Association?