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2019-2020 Sacred Heart Academy family feedback survey

Question Title

* 1. How many children do you have attending this school?

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* 2. What is the grade level of your child/children?

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* 3. What is the primary device you use to access the internet?

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* 4. How do you prefer to receive information about the school and school events?

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* 5. How often do you receive communications from the school?

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* 6. How often do Academy teachers ...

  Never Infrequently Occasionally Very often We are in constant communication
Let you know what your child is working on in class
Contact you personally to discuss your child’s academic achievement
Listen to your suggestions about how best to support your child

Question Title

* 7. How much do you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
The teachers respect me
The teachers do their best to help my child learn
The teachers have my child's best interests in mind
I am comfortable sharing my concerns with the teachers

Question Title

* 8. Indicate your agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The Administration respects me
The Administration has my child's best interests in mind
I am comfortable sharing my concerns with the Administration
The Administration cares about my family

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* 9. Do you feel that you are a valued partner in your child's education?

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* 10. To what extent do you feel ...

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Your voice is valued at the Academy
The Administration is interested in your concerns
You are welcome in the school building
You are an important partner in the school's success

Question Title

* 11. How true are the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
My child feels safe at this school
My child has been affected by bullying at this school
The Academy is serious about addressing bullying behavior
The teachers and principal could do more to make the school a bullying-free environment
A teacher or other staff member lets me know when there is a problem with my child's behavior

Question Title

* 12. How often do you do the following?

  Never Sometimes Often Frequently Every time there is an event
Attend scheduled PTO events
Volunteer at the Academy
Attend school events/performances
Attend award assemblies
Raise funds for the school
Chaperone field trips
Participate in classroom activities

Question Title

* 13. What keeps you from being more involved in the school and/or PTO?

  Yes No N/A
Access to childcare
Work obligations
Relevance of events and programs 
Timing of event scheduling
Don't feel involvement is important

Question Title

* 14. How often do you do the following with your children at home?

  Every day Several times a week Occasionally Infrequently Never
Supervise homework
Talk about the day
Practice math facts/work math problems
Discuss current events
Practice devotions

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* 15. Is the cost of tuition ...

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* 16. How likely are you to recommend this school to another family considering enrolling their child in the Academy?

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* 17. Overall, how satisfied are you with the education your child is receiving at Sacred Heart Academy?

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