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* 1. What was your primary reason for selecting a university as your first preference?

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* 2. How did you find out about Info Day?

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* 3. What other universities are you considering to visit?

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* 4. Please rate the Info Day website (

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* 5. If you downloaded our Info Day app, what did you think of it?

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* 6. Who was the person who influenced your decision the most?

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* 7. Did other people come with you to Info day?

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* 8. Did you attend our Open Day event on Saturday 27 August 2016?

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* 9. If you were in high school in 2016, what year were you in

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* 10. If you were not at high school in 2016, which category best describes you?

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* 11. Please select one that best describes your circumstances:

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* 12. How did you get to Info Day?

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* 13. If you went to an information stall in either the Great Hall or MacLaurin Hall, or both, how useful did you find them?

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* 14. If you went to an information stall in the outdoor Quadrangle, how useful did you find them?

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* 15. If you went to a mini lecture(s), how useful did you find them?

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* 16. If you went on a campus tour, how useful did you find it?

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* 17. If you went on an accommodation tour, how useful did you find it?

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* 18. Specifically, what information were you seeking at Info Day?

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* 19. How easy did you find it to obtain the information you wanted or needed?

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* 20. How would you rate the ease of finding your way around campus at Info Day? For example for mini lectures, stalls, etc.

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* 21. How would you rate the quality of advice from staff?

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* 22. How did you find the atmosphere on the day?

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* 23. How would you rate the quality of advice from students or Student Ambassadors?

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* 24. How has attending Info Day influenced your decision to study at the University of Sydney?

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* 25. What is your overall rating of the day?

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* 26. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future Info Days?

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* 27. Please provide your email address for your chance to win double movie passes.