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* 1. What grade are you currently in at this school? Mark one response

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* 2. My gender is:

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* 3. All students are treated the same, regardless of whether they are rich or poor

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* 4. Boys and girls are treated equally well.

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* 5. Adults working at this school treat all students respectfully.

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* 6. My teachers care about me.

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* 7. My teachers make me feel good about myself.

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* 8. Students respect one another.

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* 9. I go to school events like dances, sporting events, concerts, and other activities at school.

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* 10. I take part in extra-curricular activities, such as, REACH, clubs, sports teams, student government and other activities

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* 11. What additional extra-curricular activities would you like to see be available to students?

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* 12. I feel like I belong.

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* 13. I am happy to be at this school.

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* 14. I feel safe at this school.

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* 15. Students at this school are often bullied.

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* 16. Students at this school try to stop bullying.

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* 17. Students often spread mean rumors or lies about others at this school on the internet.

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* 18. Students in this school know what to do if there is an emergency, such as, natural disaster (flood, tornado, blizzard) or a dangerous situation (violent person at school) during the school day.

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* 19. If students hear about a threat to school safety, they would report it to someone in authority.

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* 20. Students have pride in our school.  

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* 21. My teachers praise me when I work hard.

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* 22. My teachers give me individual attention when I need it.

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* 23. My teachers connect what I am learning to life outside the classroom.

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* 24. The things I am learning are important to me.

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* 25. My teachers expect me to do my best all the time.

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* 26. My teachers really care about me.

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* 27. I can talk to my teachers about the problems I am having in class.

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* 28. I can talk to a teacher or another adult about something that is bothering me.

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* 29. Students at this school work out their disagreements with other students by talking to them.

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* 30. My teachers make it clear to me when I have misbehaved in class.

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* 31. Adults working in this school reward students for positive behavior.

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* 32. School rules apply to everyone.

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* 33. Discipline is fair.

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* 34. What does our school do best and/or what do you like most about our school?

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* 35. What specifically, do you think would help you and others do better in school?  (Please give us ideas.)

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* 36. What else would you like to tell us about this school and/or your experience in this school?

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