Dear Coordinator, 

Please complete and submit this survey by October 11th, 2019 to receive your $100 stipend for use towards your school's goals as they relate to sustainability and environmental education. 

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your participation!  

Bailey Lutz
Green Schools Coordinator

P.S. Remember, if you're a returning school, this is the only survey you need to complete this year for enrollment! School Benchmarking surveys are required for new enrollees, after major structural changes to your building, or every five years. If you're enrolling for the first time, please complete this and the additional Benchmarking Survey, here

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* 1. School Name and District

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* 2. Address

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* 3. What grade levels are represented at your school?

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* 4. Approximately how many students are in attendance?

District-level Coordinators: Each school should have at least one designated School Coordinator. Coordinators lead students and staff in resource-saving and environmentally-wise efforts at their schools. 

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* 5. Coordinator Information

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* 6. Co-Coordinator Information

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* 7. Does your school have a formal "Green Team" comprised of staff and students?

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* 8. If you answered "yes" to question 7, please briefly describe your student team. How are students chosen, how often do you meet, what are your goals, etc.?

2019-2020 Yearly Goals: To receive your yearly streamer, participate in end-of-year celebrations, be eligible for your $100 stipend, or qualify for awards, you must identify and complete two sustainability-related activities. Please indicate your goals in the spaces below. Please note that due to changing global prices in aluminum, the Tab Top Tally is no longer available. Please refer to the Program Guide for Educators on our website for more information on county-sponsored programs.

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* 9. My school plans to participate in the following county-sponsored qualifying activities:

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* 10. My school also plans on taking the following steps towards sustainability and environmental health:

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* 11. Students from my school will participate in the following county-sponsored competitions:

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* 12. We plan to apply for a Madison County Green Seed Grant this year.

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* 13. If you have never applied for a Green Seed Grant in the past, what has stopped you?

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* 14. Please rate the accuracy of the following statement: The adult members of our school community (staff, administration, parents) are generally interested and supportive of school sustainability efforts and environmental education.

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* 15. Please rate the accuracy of the following statement: Our students are generally interested in and engaged by school sustainability efforts and environmental education activities.

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* 16. If teachers in your school were provided with engaging, standards-aligned environmental education activities, how likely are they to use them in their classrooms?

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* 17. What would be helpful in furthering your school's sustainability practices or environmental education programs? Answer all that apply.

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* 18. Does your school maintain a social media page?

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* 19. What else should your Program Coordinator know in order to best support you?

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* 20. What event, new practice, or clever action worked well in making your program successful last year? Answers about your success (however large or small) will be shared to support other coordinators. 

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* 21. If a workshop was scheduled in January as an opportunity to learn more about the Green Schools Program, which days or times would work best with your schedule?

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* 22. Would you be interested in attending a workshop which involved building a DIY Vermicomposting Bin (worm bin) for your classroom?