1. Introduction

USAG Wiesbaden is in the process of updating its Real Property Master Plan, which guides development at the installation for the future.  Your contributions to this effort, through this survey, are vital to a successful plan for the future of USAG Wiesbaden.

This survey is part of the planning effort leading up to the USAG Wiesbaden Installation Development Plan Workshop in March, 2020. It is designed to gather input from a broad range of people who may have opinions on how USAG Wiesbaden grows over the next several decades. This survey was sent to all tenant units, residents, and employees at USAG Wiesbaden to gain an understanding of how the Garrison is used now and in the future.

Regardless of your current position or your current location, please try and answer as many of the questions as possible. Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes.  

Click "Next" to get started with the survey. If you'd like to leave the survey at any time, just click "Exit this survey". Your answers will be saved.