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We hope you will join us August 21-23 in Lexington, KY for VISION 2024, the Kentucky Credit Union League's Annual Meeting & Convention at the Central Bank Center. This event offers your company an affordable and effective means of reaching both current and potential credit union clients. You will have a great opportunity to showcase your products and services to credit union professionals throughout Kentucky.

VISION is not your typical trade show. To guarantee great exposure and traffic, the Exhibit Hall is the focal point of the event. All meals and door prize drawings are located here, so attendee traffic during exhibit hall hours is guaranteed!

Participating in VISION 2024 offers a cost-effective way to connect with credit unions across the state. You are encouraged to bring your company’s latest products and services to our Exhibit Hall and we invite you to network with our attendees throughout the convention.
Booths are available on a first-come-first-serve basis so reserve early!

To reserve your booth, please complete the form below.  The deadline to submit your form is April 30, 2024.
Please click HERE to read the Exhibit Hall Terms & Conditions.
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