We are pleased to invite you to participate in a short online survey being conducted by ACIL Allen Consulting on behalf of the State Training Board.
This survey is being conducted as part of the development of the State Training Board’s Technology and Innovation project, which will determine:
  • how current and emerging innovation and technology advances are changing the nature of work in some of WA’s key industries and in particular, the demand for future skills and jobs; and
  • appropriate education and training strategies and policy changes, which will ensure that these workforce needs are met in the future

The purpose of the questions asked in this survey is to provide ACIL Allen Consulting with information on the perspectives of key stakeholders across WA Industry, in terms of how they see innovation and technology shaping the future workforce needs of their organisation, their industry and the WA economy. The stakeholders consulted for the project include industry associations, business leaders, innovation and technology specialists, research institutions and educations providers.


Please complete this survey in one sitting. Your answers to this survey are automatically saved when pressing the 'next' button at the end of each page, and you are able to change your answers while you are completing the survey by pressing the 'prev' button.

Please complete the survey by Sunday 11.59pm 26 February 2017 (Australian Western Standard Time).


ACIL Allen Consulting is an independent economics and public policy consulting firm. ACIL Allen’s Perth Office has extensive experience in leading research and consultation projects, particularly those with a focus on the WA economy. Further information about ACIL Allen Consulting can be found at our website,

As part of this project, ACIL Allen ensures all responses will be treated confidentially. Individual survey responses will only be accessed by ACIL Allen Consulting. Survey data will be reported in an aggregated manner, which will not allow for the identification of any specific individual or organisation.

Should you have any further questions about this survey, or about the Technology and Innovation project more generally, please contact John Nicolaou on (08) 9449 9616 or
11% of survey complete.